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The Revitalization and Scale‐up of the Baby‐Friendly Hospital Initiative in Malawi

Publish Date: February 2019
Author: Justine A. Kavle, Patricia R. Welch, Florence Bwanali, Kanji Nyambo, Janet Guta, Natalia Mapongo, Sarah Straubinger, Susan Kambale

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) has been shown to improve breastfeeding outcomes. However, in Malawi, the initiative languished in recent years due to losses in funding. MCSP supported the Malawi Ministry of Health to revitalize and scale up the BFHI in health facilities across all districts of the country. This paper describes the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from BFHI scale up in Malawi.

The revitalization and scale‐up of the Baby‐Friendly Hospital Initiative in Malawi (2734 downloads )