In Burma, newly trained health workers are now promptly and effectively managing newborn and childhood illnesses, helping to reduce needless deaths. […]

In Burma, newly trained health workers are now promptly and effectively managing newborn and childhood illnesses, helping to reduce needless deaths. […]
Grounded in well-articulated theories of change, contribution analysis gives us a way to understand whether and how interventions supported by a program may have caused or contributed to changes in outcomes. […]
In Burma, robust linkages between community volunteers and health staff are building health system capacity. […]
A positive experience with an MCSP-trained volunteer led Ko Maung Tun to be an advocate for early detection and treatment of TB in his community. […]
Sometimes it doesn’t take years of experience to make an impact – it can happen almost immediately. […]
Naw Eh Paw Htoo became a midwife to help women in her native Burma safely give birth. […]
Competency-based, in-service trainings are giving Burmese midwives the confidence and ability to apply newly learned skills in their day-to-day practice. […]