Too often family planning (FP) providers drive the conversation about contraceptive choices without listening to the needs of their clients – but not Nurse Marian. Share this infographic on social media using #FPclients1st and tell others why it’s important for healthcare providers to first learn about their clients’ reproductive needs before recommending a contraceptive method.

Frontline Health Workers:
Counseling Adolescents:
Adolescents Seeking Family Planning
Article: From abortions to #condommania: Kenyan students get real about sex
Contraceptive Methods Appropriate for Breastfeeding Women:
Quick Reference Chart for WHO’s Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
Postpartum Intrauterine Devices (PPIUDs):
PPIUD Services Learning Resource Package
Permanent Methods:
Long-Acting and Permanent Methods Community of Practice
Video of Mini-Laparotomy for Tubal Ligation (useful for counselors providing information on this method)