This brief describes experiences from carrying out a broad and robust learning agenda under MCSP and implications for future global programs that are similarly focused primarily on implementation support. These lessons may be useful to USAID, other donors and technical assistance agencies, and ministries of health (MOHs) to inform the design of future programs. […]
Writer: Child Health
Modeling Mortality Impact of Three African Countries Supported by MCSP: The Cases of Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania
This report summarizes an impact modeling exercise that MCSP conducted to assess country progress as well as its contributions to changes in maternal, newborn, and child mortality trends. MCSP used the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) to estimate the mortality impact of the documented changes in coverage of MCSP-supported HIIs. […]
Basic ToolKit for Systematic Scale-Up
The Coordinators Guide and Toolkit are intended for those supporting a Ministry of Health-led systematic process of scale-up of one or more high-impact reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health interventions, geared towards a scale-up coordinator or scale-up manager role. This guide is intended for use by those who support a country’s systematic process of […]
Malaria Elimination Readiness in Selected Districts of Madagascar: A Mixed-Methods Assessment
To prepare for the development of an operational plan for malaria elimination in Madagascar, MCSP, in collaboration with the President’s Malaria Initiative and the Ministry of Public Health/National Malaria Control Program, assessed the state of preparedness of the elimination and pre-elimination districts, measured by the operational capacity of health facilities and readiness of the health […]
Generation, Quality, and Use of Routine Immunization Process Indicators in Strengthening Immunization Systems
In countries where MCSP supported immunization programming, they worked with Ministries of Health and other partners to improve the generation, quality, and use of routine immunization data at the point of service delivery, i.e. at the health facility and community levels. In addition, MCSP carried out focused learning to test a set of process indicators […]
MCSP Rwanda’s Impact on Improving the Quality of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Family Planning Services: Results from a Contribution Analysis
This analysis set out to answer the following questions and to assess evidence to support these questions: How did MCSP’s low-dose, high-frequency training and mentorship approaches improve and maintain health worker competencies in maternal, newborn and child health, and family planning? How did MCSP contribute to an increase in the uptake of postpartum family planning […]
Applying the Reaching Every District/Reaching Every Child (RED/REC) approach to strengthen routine immunization in five health districts in Burkina Faso
In 2017, MCSP with Global health Security Agenda (GHSA) funding, began supporting the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health’s (MOH) routine immunization strengthening efforts in five districts of Burkina Faso. A major goal of MCSP’s support was to help the MOH sustain existing successes in routine immunization coverage while closing gaps in reaching the unvaccinated and […]
The Maternal and Child Survival Program’s Zika Response Activities End-of-Project Report
In February 2016, the World Health Organization announced that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014 (both areas affected by a Zika virus [ZIKV] outbreak), constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. MCSP responded to the outbreak in June […]
Burkina Faso EOP Report
In November 2017, the USAID Mission in Burkina Faso requested one year of assistance from the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) to prevent epidemics by strengthening surveillance and routine immunization. surveillance, with a focus on meningitis and dengue prevention, preparedness for potential outbreaks, and response. Specifically, the project aimed to achieve the following: scale-up […]
End of Project Report: Uganda Routine Immunization Program
MCSP has worked in 11 districts in Uganda since 2014 alongside the Ministry of Health/Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) to strengthen routine immunization (RI). MCSP has had the primary objectives of strengthening UNEPI’s institutional/technical capacity to plan, coordinate, manage, and implement immunization activities at national level and improving district capacity to manage and coordinate […]