MCSP advocated for institutionalizing community health as part of national health systems, strengthening the capacity of community health workers (CHWs), and supporting community infrastructure in partnership with country governments and civil society organizations. These briefs comprise an eight-part series developed by MCSP to review and understand the processes of community engagement in MCSP-supported countries and […]
Writer: Community
Evaluation of the Integrated Community Case Management Strategy in Rwanda Report
This evaluation has been designed to provide data on the integrated community case management (iCCM) strategy in eight districts in Rwanda. This evaluation focused on successes and challenges of iCCM strategies in order to know where to reinforce and empower community health interventions. The evaluation was implemented by the Ministry of Health through the Maternal, […]
Mentoring the Community Health Worker in Rwanda
MCSP Rwanda aimed to improve and sustain high-quality RMNCH services at the community level by forming a partnership with the MOH/Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC). Consequently, RBC led the process of developing and implementing the “Community Health Mentorship Guidelines” for Rwanda with support from MCSP. […]
Communities and Health Extension Workers Provide Care for Low-Birthweight Babies in Amhara and Oromia Regions
This study was conducted to create a better understanding on identifying and caring for low birthweight (LBW) babies in its operating areas. The objectives of the study were to: Understand the approaches used by health extension workers (HEWs), Health Development Army (HDA) leaders, and community members to identify LBW babies and the associated enabling factors […]
MCSP Ethiopia Community Based Newborn Care Project – Endline Survey Report
The overall goal of the MCSP Community-Based Newborn Care/ Newborns in Ethiopia Gaining Attention project was to contribute to the reduction of newborn morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia through capacity-building to provide high-impact services at both the community and the primary health care unit (PHCU) level. […]
MCSP Ethiopia Community Based Newborn Care Project – Do Caretakers of Sick Newborns with Possible Serious Bacterial Infection Referred from Health Post to Health Center Comply with the Referral in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern Nations Nationalities, and Peoples’ Regions
The primary objective of the study was to assess the referral compliance among caretakers of sick young infants classified as having possible serious bacterial infection/very severe disease, the barriers and facilitators to compliance, and the care received at the referral facility in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region regions of Ethiopia. […]
MCSP Ethiopia Community Based Newborn Care Project – Barriers and Facilitators for Early Pregnancy Identification, Birth Notification, and Antenatal and Postnatal Visits in Amhara Region
To understand the factors that affect pregnant women’s timely uptake of maternal, newborn, and child health services in Ethiopia, MCSP conducted a qualitative study that investigated the barriers that women experience as they pass through the different cycles of pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal care. The study also investigated the availability of active pregnancy surveillance mechanisms, […]
Who are the Real Community Health Workers in Tshopo Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Recent years have seen increasing momentum towards task shifting of basic health services, including using community health workers (CHW) to diagnose and treat common childhood illnesses. Yet few studies have examined the role of traditional healers in meeting families’ and communities’ health needs and liaising with the formal health system. We examine these issues in […]
Strengthening the Capacity of Communities to Increase Utilization of Postnatal Care Services in Nyaruguru District Rwanda
MCSP worked with the Rwandan Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) to accelerate the reduction of preventable child, neonatal, and maternal mortality in 10 districts in Rwanda from April 2015 to September 2018. Given that many newborn deaths are preventable through improved care in the postnatal period, MCSP emphasized integration of […]
The Role of Community Structures in Health Systems in 22 of 25 USAID Priority Maternal and Child Health Countries – A Landscape Analysis of Existing Policies
MCSP advocates for institutionalizing community health as part of national health systems, strengthening the community health worker workforce, and supporting community infrastructure in partnership with country governments and civil society organizations. MCSP undertook this landscape review to inform the provision of targeted technical assistance to its focal countries in their efforts to reduce child and […]