The report explores the experience of Kenya in considering whether and how to leverage malaria Global Fund money for integrated community case management (iCCM). It reviews the challenges experienced during, and lessons learned from, the discussions between malaria and child health stakeholders. Additionally, it explores the reasons why, in Kenya’s case, during this phase of […]
Writer: Malaria
MCSP Malaria Fact Sheet
Features key facts and Program work in malaria. […]
Using Data Dashboards for Results-Based Management and Accountability
Poster illustrating key characteristics, uses for, and ways to develop dashboards (visual displays of information), as well as explanations for how MCSP uses dashboards in Program work. […]
Maternal and Child Survival Start Up Report
This report covers program Maternal and Child Survival Program start-up activities implemented from March 17, 2014 to September 30, 2014. The startup period involved intensive work on two critical tracks: 1) supporting USAID’s engagement in global technical and policy fora to keep focused momentum on Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths; and 2) startup activities […]
Successful Practices to Increase Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Ghana
This brief highlights Ghana’s efforts to combat malaria in pregnancy (MIP) from 2007–2010, specifically its success in dramatically increasing uptake of intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp). The resource targets policymakers, program managers and health care workers as countries work toward increasing IPTp uptake as a core component of MIP control. […]
Global Call to Action to scale-up coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: seminar report
This open access, MCSP co-authored article in Malaria Journal focuses on the Global Call to Action to scale up preventative treatment of malaria during pregnancy. It summarizes the key points and presentations from the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in 2014. […]
Global Call to Action: maximize the public health impact of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa
This open access, MCSP co-authored Malaria Journal article highlights the Global Call to Action to maximize the impact of preventative treatment of malaria during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. It focuses on the benefits of this treatment, analyses its costs and benefits, and looks at the outcomes of affected newborns and mothers to assess the ability […]
Controlling maternal anemia and malaria: ensuring pregnant women receive effective interventions to prevent malaria and anemia: what program managers and policymakers should know
This brief describes World Health Organization recommendations for IPTp to prevent malaria in pregnancy and iron-folic acid supplementation to prevent iron deficiency anemia in sub-Saharan Africa countries, with an emphasis on giving the correct dose of folic acid to maximize the effectiveness of interventions to prevent malaria. The brief is for program managers of health […]
Review of Monitoring of Malaria in Pregnancy through National Health Management Systems: Results from Six Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
This report presents findings from a review of national Health Management Information Systems in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to improve understanding of how Ministries of Health—both National Malaria Control Programs and Reproductive Health Units—are monitoring and reporting their malaria in pregnancy related program results, and how the data are being used. President’s Malaria Initiative countries […]
Review of Monitoring of Malaria in Pregnancy through National Health Management Systems: Uganda
This report presents findings from a review of national Health Management Information Systems in Uganda to improve understanding of how the Ministry of Health—both National Malaria Control Programs and Reproductive Health Units—is monitoring and reporting their malaria in pregnancy related program results, and how the data are being used. The report also includes recommendations on […]