MCSP worked to improve health care facility WASH conditions and practices to contribute to quality of care (QoC) improvements and reductions of maternal and newborn infections through MCSP’s innovative Clean Clinic Approach. This report highlights experiences from four MCSP country programs (Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, and Nigeria) that used WASH investments as […]
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In five states of India, MCSP aimed to develop a culture of data use and quality improvement (QI) among family planning service providers through the development of data visualization and use approaches to create locally relevant information for use in better management of facility-level family planning services. In two of the five states where MCSP […]
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In countries where MCSP supported immunization programming, they worked with Ministries of Health and other partners to improve the generation, quality, and use of routine immunization data at the point of service delivery, i.e. at the health facility and community levels. In addition, MCSP carried out focused learning to test a set of process indicators […]
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MCSP has worked in 11 districts in Uganda since 2014 alongside the Ministry of Health/Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) to strengthen routine immunization (RI). MCSP has had the primary objectives of strengthening UNEPI’s institutional/technical capacity to plan, coordinate, manage, and implement immunization activities at national level and improving district capacity to manage and coordinate […]
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USAID commissioned technical assistance from MCSP in Uganda in late 2016 to identify an essential child health package (ECHP) and build the capacity of USAID’s Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services (RHITES) projects in the East Central (EC) and South Western (SW) regions to implement the ECHP using a health systems strengthening approach. The aim […]
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In Nigeria, MCSP focused on improving maternal and newborn health care services in Ebonyi and Kogi states by implementing high-impact interventions for better care on the day of birth when most maternal and newborn deaths occur. To determine the effect of MCSP’s RMNH quality improvement interventions in health facilities, baseline and endline quality of care […]
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MCSP has worked to improve the care provided for mothers and their newborns during antenatal care, labor and delivery, postnatal care, child health, immunization, and family planning services through quality of care (QoC) and quality improvement (QI) programs. While many QoC/QI training and implementation tools are available, many do not describe the critical conditions necessary […]
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From 2014 to 2019, USAID’s flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) partnered with 32 countries to improve health outcomes for women and children and build more resilient, accountable, and responsive health systems. Through the generous support of the American people, MCSP built the capacity of country-led institutions to address health challenges. As a result, […]
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This brief presents findings from assessments of WHO-recommended routine RMNCH indicators in Madagascar and Nigeria. The aims of the two assessments were to determine the acceptability, relevance and usefulness, and feasibility of the indicators for quality improvement efforts. The assessments also looked into integrating the RMNCH indicators into the national HMIS. […]
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