As part of the UN Foundation series “Her Goals: Our Future,” this blog highlights the connection between supporting girls and women and achieving the SDGs. […]
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals through Postpartum Family Planning

As part of the UN Foundation series “Her Goals: Our Future,” this blog highlights the connection between supporting girls and women and achieving the SDGs. […]
Visit our interactive booth and talk with staff about our work to help mothers and families in USAID’s 24 priority countries. […]
This study, published in the journal Patient Education and Counseling, explored the use of behavior change communication to address perceptions of postpartum return to fecundity and contraceptive adoption. […]
This report grew out of a review of the scale up of six maternal and child health interventions in India, Mali, Bangladesh and Malawi. The objective of the review was to identify effective scale-up strategies. […]
This analysis is based on the 2010 Demographic and Health Survey data from Tanzania. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This analysis is based on the 2010 Demographic and Health Survey data from Burkina Faso. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This analysis is based on the 2011 Demographic and Health Survey data from Uganda. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This analysis is based on the 2013 Demographic and Health Survey data from Nigeria. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This analysis is based on the 2011 Demographic and Health Survey data from Mozambique. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This analysis is based on the 2008-09 Demographic and Health Survey data from Madagascar. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]