The innovative approach, implemented by MCSP, dropped the facility’s infection rate from 40% to 0% in just two months. […]
In Madagascar, Midwife Uses Data to Eliminate Umbilical Infections

The innovative approach, implemented by MCSP, dropped the facility’s infection rate from 40% to 0% in just two months. […]
In April 2016, the largest and fastest globally-coordinated project in the history of immunization was carried out in 155 countries and territories. Known as “the switch,” this activity entailed replacing trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV), which protects against all three strains of the poliovirus, with the bivalent form (bOPV) which protects against two strains, types […]
One year after this island nation developed postpartum family planning action plans, MCSP gauges the country’s progress. […]
This article, published in French in the African Evaluation Journal, highlights the findings of a cross-sectional survey of 52 health public facilities in 15 of the 22 regions of Madagascar. […]
This analysis is based on the 2008-09 Demographic and Health Survey data from Madagascar. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning, and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum. […]
This MCSP co-authored World Health Organization bulletin assesses the quality of facility-based active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) in Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda and Tanzania. The authors found the quality and coverage of AMTSL were high. However, to improve active management, there needs to be more research on optimizing the timing of uterotonic administration. […]
This open access, MCSP co-authored article in PLOS ONE examines intrapartum and immediate postpartum care in facility deliveries and explains a related quality assessment measure. […]
This open access, MCSP co-authored article in the journal Contraception analyzes data from recent Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 21 low- and middle-income countries to examine patterns of interpregnancy intervals, unmet need, pregnancy risk, and family planning method use and method mix among women 0–23 months postpartum. The countries reviewed were: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, […]