Last month, MCSP hosted the launch of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) Lessons Learned report at the Program offices in Washington, DC. The report highlights key operational lessons learned from four country programs — Bangladesh, South Africa, India and Nigeria — that implemented the MAMA approach.
The approach, which uses age- and stage-based messaging directed toward pregnant women, new mothers and families, aims to foster behavior change and improve maternal and child health outcomes. The report shares operational lessons that country program implementers gained and the strategies they used to overcome implementation challenges. (A related two-page brief can be found here.)
The two-hour September meeting included a brief overview of MAMA lessons learned, perspectives from country programs and funders, partner updates, and a Q&A session. Both the meeting recording and presentation slides are now available.
A related webinar in November — on MAMA work specific to Bangladesh — framed best practices across different areas of implementation. The presentation slides and recording from that event are also now available.