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Addressing barriers to maternal nutrition in low‐ and middle-income countries: A review of the evidence and programme implications

Publish Date: August 2017
Author: Justine A. Kavle, Megan Landry

Adequate maternal nutrition during the “first 1,000 days” window is critical from conception through the first 6 months of life to improve nutritional status and reduce the risk of poor birth outcomes, such as low birthweight and preterm birth. Unfortunately, many programmes have targeted implementation and monitoring of nutrition interventions to infants and young children, rather than to women during pregnancy or post‐partum. A literature review was conducted to identify barriers to food choice and consumption during pregnancy and lactation and to examine how low‐ and middle‐income countries have addressed maternal nutrition in programmes. A literature review of peer‐reviewed and grey literature was conducted, and titles and abstracts reviewed by authors. Twenty‐three studies were included in this review.

To read the full, open access article in Maternal and Child Nutrition, click here.

Addressing barriers to maternal nutrition in low‐ and middle-income countries: A review of the evidence and programme implications (2976 downloads )