Publish Date: December 2019
Author: MCSP
In 2017, MCSP with Global health Security Agenda (GHSA) funding, began supporting the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health’s (MOH) routine immunization strengthening efforts in five districts of Burkina Faso. A major goal of MCSP’s support was to help the MOH sustain existing successes in routine immunization coverage while closing gaps in reaching the unvaccinated and under-vaccinated.
In August 2018, the MOH and MCSP conducted a rapid assessment in the five districts to assess progress and challenges in Reaching Every District/Reaching Every Child (RED/REC) implementation. In response to these findings, the MOH Department of Prevention through Vaccinations, with MCSP’s support, developed a strategy to build the skills of staff responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the Expanded Program on Immunization in MCSP-supported regions, districts, and health facilities.
Applying the Reaching Every District/Reaching Every Child (RED/REC) approach to strengthen routine immunization in five health districts in Burkina Faso (2010 downloads )