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Atelier régional africain sur l’amélioration des données de routine pour la santé infantile dans les systèmes nationaux d’information sanitaire

Publish Date: May 2018
Author: MCSP

In September 2017, USAID, in collaboration with MCSP, convened the Africa Regional Workshop on Improving Routine Data for Child Health in National Health Information Systems to advance the availability, accessibility, quality, and use of child health and nutrition data within national health information systems. More than 90 participants from 15 countries gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa, to reflect on the current state of routine child health and nutrition data systems, share lessons learned, and identify recommendations to scale up successful models and approaches.

Atelier régional africain sur l'amélioration des données de routine pour la santé infantile dans les systèmes nationaux d'information sanitaire (1490 downloads )