Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

Burkina Faso EOP Report

Publish Date: November 2019
Author: MCSP

In November 2017, the USAID Mission in Burkina Faso requested one year of assistance from the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) to prevent epidemics by strengthening surveillance and routine immunization. surveillance, with a focus on meningitis and dengue prevention, preparedness for potential outbreaks, and response. Specifically, the project aimed to achieve the following: scale-up and strengthen case-based and community-based surveillance to improve meningitis detection and confirmation; improve preparedness and response mechanisms for future meningitis outbreaks; improve Meningitis A, PCV3, and Penta3 immunization coverage through strengthening overall routine immunization system in low-performing districts and maintaining high coverage in well-performing districts; and improve surveillance, coordination, communication, and case management for ongoing and future dengue fever outbreaks.

Burkina Faso EOP Report (1518 downloads )