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Case Study: Primary Healthcare Clinical Placements during Nursing and Midwifery Education in Lesotho

Publish Date: December 2015
Author: Alice Christensen, Semakaleng Phafoli, Johannah Butler, Isabel Nyangu, Laura Skolnik, Stacie C. Stender

In Lesotho, primary healthcare is the main access point for health services. While nurses and midwives provide most of the care at this level, assessments of the clinical education programs have highlighted gaps in primary healthcare experiences for nursing and midwifery students.

This case study examines placement of nursing and midwifery students in primary health clinics alongside preceptors. The placements provide students with varied clinical experience, better preparing them to practice in primary healthcare clinics. To date, more than 700 nursing and midwifery students have been place in 40 rural health centers and 228 preceptors have been trained. The government is scaling up the program nationally.

Case Study: Primary Healthcare Clinical Placements during Nursing and Midwifery Education in Lesotho (961 downloads )