Publish Date: December 2018
Author: MCSP
In 2016, the Ghana Health Service, with support from MCSP, developed cost estimates for average investment (or start-up) and operating costs for a functional Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) zone to inform policy, planning, and advocacy. Based on the cost estimates, a CHPS Costing Tool was also developed in 2017 to support national and sub-national implementers to plan for establishment, refurbishment, and annual operations and maintenance costs of a CHPS zone. The Tool also helps with decision-making, planning, budgeting, and mobilizing resources for CHPS.
To inform continued scale-up of CHPS in Ghana, this document presents the rationale, methods, findings and implications of the CHPS costing exercise and the implementation of the CHPS Costing Tool.
Costing Tool for Scaling Up Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) in Ghana (1697 downloads )