Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

Documentation of REC in Malawi

Publish Date: August 2017
Author: Asnakew Tsega and Michael Favin

In October 2016, MCSP began its third year of activities in Malawi, with immunization work focusing on collaboration with the Ministry of Health/Expanded Program on Immunization (MOH/EPI) and partners at the national level; and provision of intensive support for implementing the Reaching Every Child (REC) approach in two low-coverage districts, which were selected from among seven districts in Malawi with Penta 3 coverage under 80%. REC aims to fully immunize every infant with all vaccines in the national immunization schedule.

Since October 2015, MCSP has supported implementation of all five REC components—(1) planning and management of resources; (2) reaching target population; (3) monitoring and use of data for action; (4) linking services with communities; 5) supportive supervision—in Ntchisi and Dowa districts. This report discusses the findings of an internal review and documentation of the results of REC and infant tracking and monitoring.

Documentation of REC in Malawi (1551 downloads )