Publish Date: May 2018
Author: MCSP
This brief outlines MCSP’s approach to Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention, response, and recovery in Guinea, Liberia, and Ghana (Ghana did not have any active cases of EVD but was classified as a high-risk country due to its geographical proximity to the epidemic). MCSP’s interventions were intended to build resilience and self-reliance in each country so that it could respond more effectively to future epidemics and emergencies. The brief also presents MCSP’s learning on effective interventions for strengthening the health system to stop the spread of EVD, restore essential non-EVD health services and revitalize health systems that struggled to respond, and better prepare for potential future epidemics. Finally, the brief discusses MCSP’s experience in integrating EVD response and preparedness funds into its global health award to inform planning for future epidemic-response interventions.
Effective Interventions to Strengthen Health Systems after the Epidemic (1960 downloads )