Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

End of Project Report: Uganda Routine Immunization Program

Publish Date: November 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP has worked in 11 districts in Uganda since 2014 alongside the Ministry of Health/Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) to strengthen routine immunization (RI).  MCSP has had the primary objectives of strengthening UNEPI’s institutional/technical capacity to plan, coordinate, manage, and implement immunization activities at national level and improving district capacity to manage and coordinate the immunization program as guided by UNEPI leadership.

In 2016, USAID requested MCSP provide tailored child health technical assistance to the MOH and two of USAID’s recently awarded RHITES projects to identify, demonstrate, cost, and document a package of “essential” low-cost, high-impact child health interventions in support of Uganda’s Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Sharpened Plan. MCSP has incorporated QI concepts and tools into the standard Reaching Every District (RED)/Community (REC) management approach.

End of Project Report Uganda Routine Immunization Program (1584 downloads )