Publish Date: April 2017
Author: Idrissou Daoudou, Dzotsi Koffi Edem, Bethany Arnold, Kodjovi John Agbodjavou
MCSP worked in collaboration with l’Association Togolaise Pour Le Bien-Etre Familial and the DSMI/PF to conduct a rapid formative assessment on male engagement in family planning (FP) in Togo. The goal of this assessment was to explore men’s real perceptions about male methods of FP, and both providers’ and the health system’s views on offering these methods in order to develop a social and behavior change communication strategy to reinforce male engagement in reproductive health and help expand the mix of available FP methods used in Togo.
Specific objectives of the assessment included:
- Understanding the perceptions and opinions of users and non-users of no scalpel vasectomy (NSV) services as well as the sociocultural factors around FP services in health facilities;
- Gathering information to better understand the preoccupations/concerns of providers and the health system regarding male engagement in reproductive health, as well as the use of male methods of contraception, namely NSV; and
- Proposing strategies for improved use of and engagement in FP services by men.
Executive summaries of this assessment are available in both French and English.
Evaluation Formative Rapide sur l’Engagement des hommes dans la Planification Familiale et l’extension des services pour la Vasectomie sans bistouri au Togo: Rapport Finale (972 downloads )