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Exploring the Adaptation of the RED/REC Approach to Other RMNCH Areas in Haiti, Kenya, and Uganda

Publish Date: October 2019
Author: MCSP

Reaching Every District/Reaching Every Community/Reaching Every Child (RED/REC) has proven effective for improving immunization coverage and reaching eligible populations, and there is potential to use these same strategies to strengthen other reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) areas. In recognition of this potential, MCSP country programs in Haiti, Kenya, Uganda, and Mozambique supported the ministries of health (MOHs) to adapt some or all of the five components of the approach at district and facility levels to improve management of other RMNCH interventions or particular elements of them.

Exploring the Adaptation of the RED/REC Approach to Other RMNCH Areas in Haiti, Kenya, and Uganda (2052 downloads )