Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

Ghana Early Childhood Development End-of-Project Report

Publish Date: October 2019
Author: MCSP

From December 2016 through June 2019, MCSP, in collaboration with the Ghana Health Service’s Family Health Division (FHD), successfully implemented early childhood development interventions (ECD), making significant progress toward national-, regional-, and district-level institutionalization of ECD. Through the life of project, MCSP built the capacity of 2,268 national-, regional-, and district-level health staff to deliver sessions about early stimulation and responsive parenting to caregivers. MCSP-supported health workers implemented their new skill set to train caregivers across 21 districts within four regions of Ghana, ultimately reaching 5,715 caregivers and 5,006 children.

As part of the implementation process, MCSP conducted assessments to measure the ability of frontline health, nutrition, and social protection workers to integrate ECD activities into their routine services, and documented the feasibility of adding these additional responsibilities to their workloads. The project also assessed changes in caregiver behaviors and child development. The endline results compared to the baseline demonstrated clear changes in all targeted groups under the study and could be attributed to the MCSP ECD intervention.

Ghana Early Childhood Development End-of-Project Report (2305 downloads )