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Ghana Early Childhood Development: Learning Report

Publish Date: October 2019
Author: MCSP

The Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) Ghana Early Childhood Development (ECD) 0–3 program aimed to promote psychosocial stimulation and responsive parenting at the community level via frontline health workers to increase caregiver knowledge and practice of psychosocial stimulation activities. The program integrated early learning and responsive caregiving activities into existing health and nutrition activities for a more holistic approach, aligned with the Nurturing Care Framework.

The primary focus of the MCSP Ghana ECD program was to support the integration of ECD interventions into existing health and nutrition activities in Ghana. The program implemented activities through the Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS), building upon MCSP’s existing activities focused on capacity-building of CHPS health workers for improved health outcomes.

Ghana Early Childhood Development: Learning Report (1621 downloads )