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Ghana Early Childhood Development Learning Report Brief: Caregiver, Child, and Community Health Worker Assessment

Publish Date: October 2019
Author: MCSP

The aim of MCSP’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) program in Ghana was to engage parents and caregivers in stimulation and responsive parenting, in which caregivers respond to their children’s physical and emotional needs from birth onward by responding to children’s cues, playing, talking, singing, and providing exposure to words and numbers, even before children can talk. MCSP emphasized the integration of ECD into daily routines to promote frequent, developmentally appropriate interactions between a caregiver and child.

The objectives of this assessment were: to monitor changes in Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) staff knowledge on psychosocial stimulation practices; understand perspectives about the ECD activities from community health officers, community health volunteers, and caregivers who were engaged in the initiative; and monitor changes in caregivers’ behavior and child development outcomes for those participating in the MCSP Ghana ECD program.

Ghana Early Childhood Development Learning Report Brief: Caregiver, Child, and Community Health Worker Assessment (1937 downloads )