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How Communities and Health Extension Workers Provide Care to Low-Birthweight Babies in the Amhara and Oromia Regions, Ethiopia

Publish Date: July 2018
Author: MCSP

In Ethiopia, MCSP has supported the government of Ethiopia to roll out Community-Based Newborn Care (CBNC) — locally known as MCSP Newborns in Ethiopia Gaining Attention (NEGA). This program has been implemented in 135 selected woredas (districts) in four regions in Ethiopia: Amhara; Oromia; Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region; and Tigray.

MCSP-NEGA aims to contribute to the national goal of reducing neonatal morbidity and mortality rates through implementation of high-impact interventions, demand creation for maternal and newborn services, and strengthening of support systems.

View the corresponding brief here.

How Communities and Health Extension Workers Provide Care to Low-Birthweight Babies in the Amhara and Oromia Regions, Ethiopia (1656 downloads )