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Integrating Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Family Planning Services in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya

Publish Date: May 2015
Author: Angella Ogutu

This document captures the outcomes of a demonstration program integrating maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, and family planning (FP) services in six health facilities and adjacent community units in Bondo Sub-County, Siaya County, Western Kenya. The main objective of the initiative was to enhance and strengthen the linkages between nutrition and FP interventions in order to improve maternal and child health outcomes through pregnancy spacing and better nutrition practices.

The integrated approach reinforced messages about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months after birth, continuation of breastfeeding when offering complementary food starting at six months, and transition to another modern method of FP before the lactational amenorrhea method criteria are no longer met. This report outlines the intervention approach, planning and implementation process, key results, and recommendations for future efforts in this area.

Integrating Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Family Planning Services in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya (1339 downloads )