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Maternal and Child Survival Program Engagement in the 2018 Gavi Joint Appraisal and Portfolio Planning Processes

Publish Date: May 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP is a key immunization partner in many countries and a member of the Interagency Coordinating Committee and country technical working groups (TWGs). As such, MCSP joins other immunization partners in-country to participate in the joint appraisal (JA) and portfolio planning process reviews. This report provides an overview of MCSP country experiences during the recent Gavi JA and portfolio planning processes, which took place in six MCSP-supported country programs from July to November 2018: Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The report complements feedback documented by MCSP in prior years 2017 and 2016.

MCSP country-level immunization staff responded to surveys, providing information on their experiences, in all six countries where they participated in the JA or program support rationale (PSR). This report intends to summarize MCSP staff experience and feedback on the JA and PSR processes; it does not present views of other stakeholders who may have also participated in the JA. The report centers on the processes themselves—from MCSP’s perspective—and highlights key strengths, challenges, and improvements in the processes over years past. It then presents recommendations that could be helpful in improving the overall processes in the future.

Maternal and Child Survival Program Engagement in the 2018 Gavi Joint Appraisal and Portfolio Planning Processes (1743 downloads )