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Maximizing Opportunities: Family Planning and Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition Integration in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya

Publish Date: August 2017
Author: Chelsea Cooper, Angella Ogutu, Everlyn Matiri, Hannah Tappis, Devon Mackenzie, Anne Pfitzer, Rae Galloway

This article shares learning from an innovative demonstration program integrating maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) and familplanning (FP) services in western Kenya, providing recommendations for future work to expand MIYCN and FP integration. Description Six health facilities reorganized to integrate MIYCN and FP services and community healtvolunteers (CHVs) promoted MIYCN and FP in adjacent communities in Bondo Sub-County over a 1-year period.

Maximizing Opportunities: Family Planning and Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition Integration in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya (951 downloads )