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MCSP in India- Combined Brochure

MCSP in India – Combined Brochure

Publish Date: September 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP has been working in India since April 2015 to strengthen family planning (FP), adolescent health (AH), and health and wellness centers (HWCs).

MCSP works to promote the expansion of the current basket of contraceptives available in India and strengthen the provision of quality FP services delivered through the public health system in five states of India.

The National Technical Support Unit- Adolescent Health (NTSU-AH) works to improve adolescent health by providing support for the design and roll-out of newer AH initiatives proposed by the Government of India as well as supporting the implementation of the National Adolescent Health Program (Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram) and the School Health Program under ‘Ayushman Bharat’.

MCSP is also providing technical assistance for strengthening delivery of comprehensive primary health care through operationalization of HWCs and creation of sustainable training ecosystems in twelve focus states.

USAID's flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program, India (1622 downloads )