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MCSP Liberia Restoration of Health Services Project: Endline Assessment Report

Publish Date: March 2018
Author: MCSP

Following the Ebola crisis, USAID/Liberia asked MCSP to restore confidence in the health system by restoring high-quality service delivery at primary health care facilities and to support the nationwide roll-out of infection prevention and control (IPC) training and protocols through the MCSP Restoration of Health Services (RHS) project in three counties in Liberia.

RHS Project Objectives

  1. Strengthen prevention at facilities:
    Infection prevention and control practices at 77 health facilities are strengthened through training, intensive supportive supervision, triage, improvement of waste management, and planning and management of essential IPC commodities and supplies.
  2. Increase maternal and child health (MCH) service demand and utilization through restored service delivery:
    Demand is generated and delivery of high-quality primary health care services is restored through the implementation of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) care as part of the Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS) in 77 facilities.

This endline assessment was designed to generate endline data upon which the effectiveness and outcomes of the USAID MCSP/RHS project on the health of Liberian families can be measured, compared to the situation at baseline. The assessment aimed to establish the endline status of all facilities after project implementation and assess the extent to which the RHS project has restored confidence, quality, and the use of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) services in the targeted counties and facilities.

MCSP Liberia Restoration of Health Services Project: Endline Assessment Report (1138 downloads )