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MCSP Liberia Restoration of Health Services Project – Family Planning & Immunization Integration Report

Publish Date: March 2018
Author: MCSP

Given Liberia’s overall modern contraceptive prevalence rate is low, at only 31%, it is important to take advantage of every contact with pregnant and postpartum women to offer them family planning (FP) counseling and services.  “Offering FP information and services proactively to women in the extended postpartum period during routine child immunization contacts” has been recognized as a “promising” high-impact practice for FP by USAID, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners.

The service integration model employed by MCSP and the Ministry of Health involved:

  • For postpartum mothers bringing infants to health facilities for routine immunization services
  • For women coming to the facility directly for FP


MCSP Liberia Restoration of Health Services Project (1567 downloads )