Publish Date: December 2019
Author: MCSP
This analysis set out to answer the following questions and to assess evidence to support these questions:
- How did MCSP’s low-dose, high-frequency training and mentorship approaches improve and maintain health worker competencies in maternal, newborn and child health, and family planning?
- How did MCSP contribute to an increase in the uptake of postpartum family planning services?
- How did MCSP contribute to improved quality of care for patients in MCSP-supported facilities?
The results from this analysis showed that MCSP’s support to the Ministry of Health contributed to three major achievements:
- Improvement and maintenance of health worker competencies and client outcomes in MNCH and family planning;
- Significant increase in the uptake of PPFP methods in the immediate (pre-discharge) postpartum period; and
- Improved quality of care at the facility level.
MCSP Rwanda's Impact on Improving the Quality of MNCH and FP services (894 downloads )