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MCSP Uganda Child Health – Baseline Report

Publish Date: July 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP-Child Health (CH) in Uganda provides above-site technical assistance (TA) to USAID’s Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services (RHITES) South West (SW) and East Central (EC) projects to pilot an integrated package of child health interventions, the essential child health package (ECHP), with the ultimate goal of contributing to a reduction in child mortality. MCSP will implement the ECHP in four demonstration districts (Luuka, Kaliro, Ntungamo, and Sheema) in SW and EC regions. The baseline assessment was designed to collect information and guide planning of MCSP CH work plan activities, as well as facilitate measurement of impact in concert with an endline assessment at health facility (HF) level.

MCSP Uganda Child Health Baseline Report (1627 downloads )