Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

Measurement and Data Use for Action and Accountability

Publish Date: March 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP has contributed to better reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) health care practices and outcomes at all levels in part by improving the capacities of frontline health workers and managers in data visualization and the timely use of information. This includes information on RMNCH service coverage, quality, and equity.

Over the course of the program, MCSP aimed to better ensure that:

  • Health care workers, managers, and policymakers have and use the right information, at the right time, to make evidence-based decisions on the delivery of RMNCH health services within their country.
  • RMNCH stakeholders at the global level are better able to track progress across countries toward the goals, objectives, and targets of global initiatives.

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