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Obstetric Ultrasound Capacity Assessment in the Context of an Outbreak of Zika Virus Infection

Publish Date: May 2018
Author: MCSP

Recognizing the role of quality obstetric ultrasound evaluation in the care of pregnant women living in areas affected by the Zika virus epidemic, USAID called on its implementing partners to perform a rapid, five-country capacity assessment of both ultrasound providers and ultrasound equipment, in collaboration with United States and regional professional societies. The goal of this assessment was to generate actionable information for country governments and other implementing partners to improve referral pathways for pregnant women with the Zika virus infection, including referral to facilities with capacity for the evaluation of possible congenital Zika syndrome (CZS).


Obstetric Ultrasound Capacity Assessment in the Context of an Outbreak of Zika Virus Infection (1548 downloads )