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Onsite LDHF Training Versus Traditional Offsite Group-Based Training for Maternal and Newborn Health Care Workers in Ebonyi and Kogi States Nigeria

Publish Date: April 2019
Author: MCSP

The study findings support the recommendation that the Kogi and Ebonyi State Ministries of Health should consider shifting from traditional offsite to onsite in-service training using the low-dose high frequency/m-mentoring approach to improve clinical competency and skills retention of providers. This shift would reduce the time health workers spend away from their work stations to attend clinical update trainings and would improve the overall cost-effectiveness of investments in health worker capacity development.

A Comparative Study: Onsite LDHF Training Versus Traditional Offsite Group-Based Training for Maternal and Newborn Health Care Workers in Ebonyi and Kogi States, Nigeria (1674 downloads )