Publish Date: April 2014
Author: Dieney Kaba Fadima, Dem Bokar, Ibrahima Nabe, Serge Raharison
Since the early 2010s, Guinea has implemented the Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R™) approach to strengthen the quality of services in emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC), family planning (FP), and infection prevention (IP). In the first quarter of 2014, the total number of health facilities implementing SBM-R reached 60. In October 2013, the SBM-R approach was adapted and tested to improve the quality of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Child Illnesses (IMNCI) in three urban health centers (CSU): Dabola, Mandiana, and Diakolidou. This document reports the results and the preliminary lessons learned during the first six months of implementation of the SBM-R approach to IMNCI in Guinea.
Preliminary Lessons Learned: Integration of IMNCI Standards in Three Health Centers in Guinea (1105 downloads )