Publish Date: February 2017
Author: MCSP
This review of routine Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) content across 24 countries can help country and global stakeholders understand which MNCH indicators can be currently calculated using data available in routine information systems. Data gaps identified by the review can help inform revisions to facility registers (and patient records) to capture essential data elements for calculation and use of quality measures by facility health workers and district managers (including aggregation of key quality measures at district level.) The results of this review can also support advocacy for incorporating high-priority MNH data points and indicators into national HMIS.
This briefer discusses the types of information that are being collected at different levels of the health system: which data are collected at the facility level using registers and maternity client records or partographs, and which data are being reported to a higher level in the health information system hierarchy (usually the district level) using monthly facility summary forms.
Preliminary Results of an Analysis of the Maternal and Newborn Content of Routine Information Systems in 24 Countries (1404 downloads )