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Responding to Health System Needs: Findings and Implications from Rapid Health Systems Assessments of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services

Publish Date: January 2018
Author: MCSP

The Rapid Health Systems Assessment (RHSA) is a qualitative exercise developed by MCSP to: (1) quickly diagnose operations and management challenges at the subnational level that may affect reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) services and program activities; (2) prioritize key areas for strengthening; and (3) identify assets and opportunities in the health system. The aim of the RHSA is to gather information that MCSP country teams and health system managers can use to generate solutions to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of planned and ongoing RMNCH activities, as well as to achieve the longer-term goal of strengthening the overall health system. To date, MCSP has conducted the RHSA with national, subnational, and facility-level stakeholder respondents in four countries: Guinea, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Rwanda. The cross-country findings are detailed in this brief.

Responding to Health System Needs: Findings and Implications from Rapid Health Systems Assessments of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services (1493 downloads )