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Review of Monitoring of Malaria in Pregnancy through National Health Management Systems: Results from Six Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Publish Date: April 2014
Author: William Brieger, Mary Drake, Vikas Dwivedi, Narjis Kazmi, Barbara Rawlins, Elaine Roman

This report presents findings from a review of national Health Management Information Systems in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to improve understanding of how Ministries of Health—both National Malaria Control Programs and Reproductive Health Units—are monitoring and reporting their malaria in pregnancy related program results, and how the data are being used. President’s Malaria Initiative countries selected for this review were: Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, Mali, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Review of Monitoring of Malaria in Pregnancy through National Health Management Systems: Results from Six Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (1426 downloads )