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SBM-R for child health, a synthesis of initial experiences in Guinea and Zimbabwe

Publish Date: February 2015
Author: Dyness Kasungami, Serge Raharison, Michel Pacque, Savitha Subramanian

The purpose of this review is to find out how the Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R®) approach has been applied in two countries, Zimbabwe and Guinea, to improve the quality of care for child health. Since the SBM-R approach is one of many quality improvement approaches, the findings will: (1) inform a process of developing an approach to improving child health services that is responsive to the unique needs of this technical area, which can be adapted and implemented in MCSP-supported countries; and (2) inform the application of SBM-R to child health, including adaptation in countries where it is the preferred approach in other health service areas.

SBM-R for child health, a synthesis of initial experiences in Guinea and Zimbabwe (1059 downloads )