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Sustainable Financing of Essential Medicines to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System in Nigeria

Publish Date: October 2018
Author: MCSP

MCSP’s Health Systems Strengthening and Equity work aims to address system-level barriers that directly affect high-quality, facility-based MNCH services in Nigeria. USAID/Nigeria requested MCSP contribute to the growing primary health care- drug revolving fund (PHC-DRF) initiative in Ebonyi by supporting the State Ministry of Health (SMOH) and State Primary Health Care Development Agency (SPHCDA) —which share policy, funding, delivery, and oversight responsibilities for PHC services and commodities—in designing and launching a DRF pilot to sustainably finance the provision of essential drugs at a sample of PHC facilities across the state.

Over 2017-18, MCSP assisted the Ebonyi State authorities in:

  • Designing drug financing and logistics management modalities to be implemented under a pilot DRF scheme in 171 facilities (one per ward) in each Local Government Area (LGA) across the state;
  • Creating systems and staff capacity for DRF financial and logistics management at the state, LGA, and PHC facility levels; and
  • Developing routine governance and monitoring capabilities for ongoing management of the DRF scheme.


Sustainable Financing of Essential Medicines to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System in Nigeria (1681 downloads )