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Technical Consultation on Reporting and Mapping Maternal Deaths in Countries with High Maternal Mortality

Publish Date: October 2015
Author: MCSP

Knowing better routine data are needed to ensure appropriate monitoring of progress toward maternal mortality reduction targets, MCSP convened  a technical consultation in January 2015 to formulate recommendations and next steps for mapping maternal deaths to track progress toward global targets.

Data visualization using mapping and other techniques is a powerful tool that can visually display information, making it easier to understand and facilitate decision-making to adapt and improve programs and policies. Maps combine data from a variety of sources and visually display ‘‘layers’’ of information including: 1) population information such as where pregnancies and births are expected; 2) geographic information such as land cover and road networks, which can be analyzed to estimate travel time; 3) availability of functional health facilities; 4) quality of facility-based care; and 5) and outcome measures such as mortality.

This meeting report includes priorities for future work and highlights from plenary sessions, discussion and group work with more than 70 participants from 22 global health organizations, government agencies, donors and universities.

Technical Consultation on Reporting and Mapping Maternal Deaths in Countries with High Maternal Mortality (1005 downloads )