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Using a Health Facility Scorecard to Monitor and Improve the Coverage of Child Health Interventions in Rural Uganda

Publish Date: March 2019
Author: MCSP

MCSP provided tailored technical assistance to Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MOH) and USAID’s Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services (RHITES) projects in the East Central (EC) and South Western (SW) regions from January 2017 to February 2019. MCSP’s objective was to identify, demonstrate and work with the MOH and RHITES partners to rollout a package of low-cost, high-impact, evidence-informed child health interventions at all levels of care. As part of its support, MCSP piloted a simplified child health scorecard that produced promising results. This brief describes the scorecard, how it was used to monitor health facility performance and the early results in MCSP-assisted districts.

Using a health facility scorecard to monitor and improve the coverage of child health interventions in rural Uganda (1703 downloads )