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Using Geospatial Modelling to Estimate the Prevalence of Adolescent First Births in Nepal

Publish Date: June 2019
Author: Sarah Neal, Corrine Warren Ruktanonchai, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Chloe Harvey, Zoe Matthews, Neena Raina, Andrew Tatem

Adolescent pregnancy is associated with significant risks and disadvantages for young women and girls and their children. A clear understanding of population subgroups with particularly high prevalence of first births in adolescence is vital if appropriate national responses are to be developed. This paper aims to provide detailed data on socioeconomic and geographic inequities in first births to adolescents in Nepal, including wealth quintile, education, rural/urban residence and geographic region. A key element is the use of geospatial modelling to develop estimates for the prevalence of adolescent births at the district level.

Using geospatial modelling to estimate the prevalence of adolescent first births in Nepal (2238 downloads )