Too many mothers and newborns die in the week following childbirth. A pre-discharge checklist can make a big difference. […]

Too many mothers and newborns die in the week following childbirth. A pre-discharge checklist can make a big difference. […]
After Ebola devastated Guinea, MCSP has been strengthening the country’s health systems with a focus on the district level. […]
By Program end, MCSP will reach 940,000 children under five in Rwanda with nutrition interventions. Little Fatima shows why this work is critical to the health of a generation.
How a simple surgery to heal a childbirth injury turned a Rwandan woman’s life around. […]
There are many compelling reasons to eliminate malaria now. MCSP is playing a key role in ending the disease for good. […]
Monique Nirere had a lifelong passion for health care, but only recently, at age 40, was able to help improve the health of her rural Rwandan village by becoming a community health worker. […]
Our slogan is: “Where everyone is accountable, everyone wins.” […]
MCSP is engaging communities and strengthening the ability of its members to work together to address social and health concerns. […]
In Burundi, utilizing peer support groups to help bridge the supervision gap. […]
One reasons pregnant women shun health facilities is the inability to pay for needed healthcare services. In Nigeria, MCSP is working to change that. […]