For millions of women, lack of economic independence can mean more than a life of poverty – it can be a matter of life or death. […]

For millions of women, lack of economic independence can mean more than a life of poverty – it can be a matter of life or death. […]
Thirteen million adolescents will give birth this year. And their challenges will only begin with delivery. […]
Trained midwives in Liberia – often the primary provider of maternal care in the country – are saving mothers’ lives. […]
To bend the curve toward positive improvements in health outcomes, it is vitally important to address barriers and support women to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months. […]
A key first step was ensuring everyone understood the term “health system” in a broad sense — and what each of them could do to improve health outcomes in their communities. […]
This week, a joint WHO and UNICEF publication details the country leadership and actions taken toward meeting our ENAP milestones throughout 2016. […]
Too many mothers and newborns die in the week following childbirth. A pre-discharge checklist can make a big difference. […]
Monique Nirere had a lifelong passion for health care, but only recently, at age 40, was able to help improve the health of her rural Rwandan village by becoming a community health worker. […]
In the fight against malaria, Nepal has accomplished what many other countries in the developing world can only aspire to — reducing by more than half the number of confirmed cases of the often fatal disease in just 6 years. […]
To reap the benefits of these vaccines, children need to be reached with vaccination in the first place. […]