This technical brief describes MCSP’s support of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and the State Ministry of Health of Kogi and Ebonyi States to operationalize this new policy for treatment of possible severe bacterial infection at Primary Healthcare Centers through training of service providers and various stakeholders. […]
Writer: Newborn Health
Strengthening Newborn Care in Kogi and Ebonyi States Nigeria
MCSP in Nigeria aims to improve maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) outcomes in Nigeria by increasing access to quality life-saving interventions. The program collaborated with state and local governments as well as select professional associations, namely PAN/NISONM (Pediatric Association of Nigeria/Nigeria Society of Neonatal Medicine), SOGON (Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Nigeria), and […]
Kenya Program Briefs
MCSP used evidence-based interventions to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health in Kenya. The eight briefs below summarize the interventions. Child Health Community Health Programs Family Planning Human Capacity Development Malaria Maternal and Newborn Health Nutrition WASH […]
March 7th Launch Event: Expanding Maternal and Newborn Survival Opportunities in Indonesia
Join MCSP for a breakfast event to launch a journal supplement on maternal and newborn health in Indonesia. […]
SSQH Program Briefs
MCSP’s Services de Santé de Qualité pour Haiti (SSQH) project is working in close conjunction with the Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population or MSPP) and all 10 of the country’s health departments (Direction Départementale de la Santé or DDS) with the overarching goal of facilitating a sustainable health […]
Madagascar Program Briefs
MCSP is using evidence-based interventions to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in Madagascar. The ten briefs below summarize the interventions. The briefs are also available in French. Digital Health – Using Technologies to Build Capacity, Strengthen Data for Decision-Making, and Improve Quality of Care French Translation Human Capacity Development Approach French Translation Improving the Prevention and […]
Ensuring Better Care for Nigerian Pregnant Women and New Mothers and their Babies
MCSP aimed to improve maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes in Nigeria by ensuring that every woman and her newborn receives appropriate and safe care at the right time. From 2015 to 2018, MCSP reached 240 primary, secondary, and referral-level facilities across Kogi and Ebonyi states with maternal and newborn services. In 2016, MCSP conducted […]
Ghana Early Childhood Development Toolkit
Early Childhood development (ECD) is a low-cost intervention that supports young children’s development across physical, cognitive, language and socio-emotional domains. MCSP has introduced ECD sessions in communities in Ghana to improve the lives of newborn babies and their mothers. The Ghana Early Childhood Development Toolkit includes a: Training of Trainers (TOT) Guide – provides structured and […]
Nigeria MNCH Program Technical Brief – Improving Quality of Maternal, Newborn and Postpartum Family Planning Care
This brief describes MCSP support to the Nigeria Ministry of Health (MOH) from October 2014-September 2018 to improve the quality of integrated maternal and newborn health care, including PPFP services, and to develop a national strategy for quality RMNCH care. The overall goal of MCSP support in Nigeria is to improve health outcomes for mothers, […]
The Facility Perinatal Mortality Indicator Study: Tanzania A Study to Validate an Indicator on Facility-Based Perinatal Mortality
Measurements to assess potentially preventable stillbirths and newborn deaths which occur in health facilities are challenging. MCSP with the Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC)—conducted a study to validate an indicator on facility-based perinatal mortality (FPM), which uses data found in the national health information systems (HMIS) in Tanzania. The […]