Note: MCSP ended in December 2019. No new content is added to this site.

Improving Health Outcomes by Enhancing the Content and Use of RMNCH Data in Nigeria’s National Health Management Information System

One of the core objectives of MCSP was to strengthen health information systems to monitor and evaluate health outcomes and improve the use of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) routine service data to inform decisions at facility, district and state levels. This objective recognized that individuals, organizations and governments rely on data to […]

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Sustainable Financing of Essential Medicines to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System in Nigeria

MCSP’s Health Systems Strengthening and Equity work aims to address system-level barriers that directly affect high-quality, facility-based MNCH services in Nigeria. USAID/Nigeria requested MCSP contribute to the growing primary health care- drug revolving fund (PHC-DRF) initiative in Ebonyi by supporting the State Ministry of Health (SMOH) and State Primary Health Care Development Agency (SPHCDA) —which […]

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Increasing Family Planning Uptake Among Postpartum Women in Nigeria

The Family Planning (FP) component of MCSP in Nigeria is focused on integrating PPFP with a range of interventions spanned across policy development, capacity building and quality improvement with the aim of increasing voluntary FP uptake among postpartum women delivering in health facilities in Kogi and Ebonyi states. […]

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Ghana Midwifery and Nursing Workforce

MCSP in Ghana worked to prepare the midwifery and nursing workforce with knowledge and skills to provide high-quality HIV, malaria, nutrition, family planning (FP), and maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) services. […]

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Strengthening Nutrition Services within Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illnesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Evidence to Guide Implementation

This qualitative implementation science study aimed to identify gaps and opportunities available to strengthen service delivery of nutrition within integrated community case management (iCCM) at the health facility and community level in Tshopo Province, based on findings on the cultural beliefs, perceptions, and knowledge guiding infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and child illness, and […]

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Perspectives on Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition and Family Planning: Considerations for Rollout of Integrated Services in Mara and Kagera Tanzania

Synergies exist between postpartum family planning and maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, yet health services are often provided in silos. This qualitative formative research study aimed to identify barriers and facilitating factors for optimal nutrition and PPFP practices in Mara and Kagera, Tanzania. Results informed the program design of an integrated nutrition and family […]

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Maternal and Child Survival Program