MCSP created WASH and Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Facility Assessment Scorecards to help reduce infections in mothers and children in Nigeria. General Facility Scorecard Labour and Delivery Scorecard Postnatal Care Scorecard Special Newborn Care Criteria Scorecard […]
Location: Africa
Nigeria Handwashing and Infection Prevention Behavior Compliance Communication Posters
Handwashing is a cost-effective intervention that reduces infections in mothers and children. MCSP has created WASH posters in Nigeria to encourage handwashing. Handwashing: Postnatal Caregiver Cord Care Handwashing: Delivery and Postnatal Postnatal Handwashing Handwashing: Delivery in Kogi State Handwashing: Delivery in Ebonyi State Handwashing: Postnatal Ward Entrance […]
Usefulness and Challenges in Using WHO’s Electronic EPI-IMCI Course for Training Mentors in Zambia
The purpose of this assessment was to understand the usefulness of the Electronic Expanded Programme on Immunization- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness course for mentors in Zambia and the challenges they faced in using the training tool. […]
Testing the Feasibility of Community IPTp in Burkina Faso
The government, with support from the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, initiated the implementation of a study to determine the effectiveness and feasibility of intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant (IPTp) women distribution at the community level on IPTp and antenatal care (ANC) coverage in three districts. MCSP, as study implementers, worked closely with the National Malaria Control […]
MCSP Uganda Child Health – Baseline Report
MCSP-Child Health (CH) in Uganda provides above-site technical assistance (TA) to USAID’s Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services (RHITES) South West (SW) and East Central (EC) projects to pilot an integrated package of child health interventions, the essential child health package (ECHP), with the ultimate goal of contributing to a reduction in child mortality. MCSP […]
Countering Gender Inequality Saves Women – and Their Children
In many countries where MCSP works, pregnant women are often victims of gender inequality born of negative gender concepts, which contributes to abuse and mistreatment during childbirth. […]
Who are the Real Community Health Workers in Tshopo Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Recent years have seen increasing momentum towards task shifting of basic health services, including using community health workers (CHW) to diagnose and treat common childhood illnesses. Yet few studies have examined the role of traditional healers in meeting families’ and communities’ health needs and liaising with the formal health system. We examine these issues in […]
What’s new with first-time parents? Three takeaways from our recent knowledge-sharing event
Across 52 programs in 32 countries – and nearly five years! – MCSP has been at the fore of tremendous improvements for women and their families in some of the most challenging areas for receiving high-quality health services. […]
Integrating eLearning in Pre-Service Education in Ghana
MCSP aimed to develop a better-prepared midwifery and nursing workforce, equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively provide HIV, malaria, nutrition, family planning, and maternal, newborn, and child health services. To advance these pre-service education (PSE) goals, MCSP collaborated with Ministry of Health (MOH) to implement the following eLearning activities from August 2014 to […]
Pre-Service Education in Tanzania
One of the key components of MCSP’s work in Tanzania is preservice education (PSE). MCSP Tanzania provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) to strengthen PSE systems and improve governance and midwifery training. […]